its hard to explain, but you know how you see the statistics of something like 1 in 100 people are sociopaths, i have a percent number i need to turn into that format but don't know the formula

"percent" means per hundred

so say you had 24%
that would be 24 over 100
= 24/100
now reduce that to lowest terms
= 6/25

which would translate to something like 6 out of 25 people like strawberry ice-cream

same thing,

0.003% = .003/100
= 3/100000 , I multiplied top and bottom by 1000

so it would be 3 out of 100,000 would be ...... (whatever)

suppose you had 36.5%
that would be 36.5/100 = 365/1000 = 73/200
or 73 out of 200 .....

what if my number is in the decimals, for example %0.003

To convert a number into a percentage format, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Number / Total) * 100

In this formula, "Number" refers to the specific value you want to convert into a percentage, and "Total" represents the total value or population size that the number is a part of.

For example, let's say you have a number, X, and you want to express it as a percentage of a total population of Y:

Percentage = (X / Y) * 100

Now, to address your specific question about sociopaths, if you know the percentage of sociopaths out of a given population, you can use this formula to determine the actual number of sociopaths in that population:

Number of sociopaths = (Percentage / 100) * Total population

For instance, if you have a population of 10,000 and the percentage of sociopaths is 1%, the calculation would be:

Number of sociopaths = (1 / 100) * 10,000 = 100

Therefore, in a population of 10,000, there would be an estimated 100 sociopaths.