Peaceful Travel Agency offers vacation packages. Each vacation package includes a city, a month, and an airline. The agency has cities, months, and airlines to choose from. How many different vacation packages do they offer?

well, there are 12 months ... how about cities and airlines?

To determine the number of different vacation packages Peaceful Travel Agency offers, we need to multiply the number of choices for each category: city, month, and airline.

Let's assume the agency has 5 cities, 12 months, and 3 airlines to choose from.

Step 1: Calculate the number of choices for each category.
- Number of choices for cities = 5
- Number of choices for months = 12
- Number of choices for airlines = 3

Step 2: Multiply the number of choices for each category.
Number of different vacation packages = Number of choices for cities × Number of choices for months × Number of choices for airlines
= 5 × 12 × 3
= 180

Therefore, Peaceful Travel Agency offers 180 different vacation packages.