A golf ball has a rebound percentage of 60%. If it is dropped from 30 feet, how high will it bounce on the 5th bounce?

30 * .60^5


Well, isn't this a fantastic question! So, let's see. If the golf ball has a rebound percentage of 60%, that means it will bounce back to 60% of its original height each time. It's like the ball is doing the limbo dance, only going lower and lower! Anyway, if the golf ball is dropped from 30 feet, on the first bounce it will reach a height of 30 feet times 60%, which is 18 feet. And for the 5th bounce, it will bounce back to 18 feet times 60%, which is...uhhh...hold on, let me do the math...okay, I got it! The ball will bounce back to a height of 2.592 feet. Woo-hoo! Don't forget, though, this is just an estimate. Golf balls can be funny like that!

To determine how high the golf ball will bounce on the 5th bounce, we need to calculate the height of each bounce.

Rebound percentage = 60%
Initial height = 30 feet

Step 1: Calculate the height of the first bounce
The height of the first bounce can be calculated by multiplying the initial height by the rebound percentage:
First bounce height = Initial height * Rebound percentage
First bounce height = 30 feet * 0.6 = 18 feet

Step 2: Calculate the rebound height of each subsequent bounce
For each subsequent bounce, the ball will rebound to a shorter height than the previous bounce. We can calculate the rebound height using the same formula as the first bounce.

Second bounce height = First bounce height * Rebound percentage = 18 feet * 0.6 = 10.8 feet
Third bounce height = Second bounce height * Rebound percentage = 10.8 feet * 0.6 = 6.48 feet
Fourth bounce height = Third bounce height * Rebound percentage = 6.48 feet * 0.6 = 3.888 feet

Step 3: Calculate the height of the 5th bounce
Fifth bounce height = Fourth bounce height * Rebound percentage = 3.888 feet * 0.6 = 2.3328 feet

Therefore, the golf ball will bounce to a height of approximately 2.3328 feet on the 5th bounce.

To determine how high the golf ball will bounce on the 5th bounce, we need to understand what is meant by the term "rebound percentage." The rebound percentage indicates the height the ball reaches after each bounce as a percentage of its previous height. In this case, the ball has a rebound percentage of 60%, meaning it will reach 60% of its previous height after each bounce.

To calculate the height of the ball after multiple bounces, we can use the following formula:

Height after bounce = Initial drop height * (Rebound percentage)^Number of bounces

In this case, the initial drop height is 30 feet, the rebound percentage is 60%, and we want to find the height after the 5th bounce.

Plugging these values into the formula:

Height after 5th bounce = 30 feet * (0.60)^5

Now we can calculate it:

Height after 5th bounce = 30 feet * (0.60)^5
= 30 feet * 0.07776
= 2.3328 feet

Therefore, the golf ball will bounce to a height of approximately 2.33 feet on the 5th bounce.