Select the expressions whose value is 4.

|- 4|
- 4÷2

4 is equal to what percent?


(-2)^2 = (-2)(-2)

= 4

percent is out of 100 so 4% is 4/100 which when you divide it out is .04

|-4| = 4

To determine which expressions have a value of 4, we need to evaluate each expression and see if the result is equal to 4.

1. (-2)²:
To solve this expression, we need to square -2 (multiply it by itself): (-2)² = (-2) * (-2) = 4. Therefore, this expression has a value of 4.

2. |- 4|:
The bars around the -4 indicate absolute value, which means we take the positive value of -4. So, |-4| = 4. This expression has a value of 4.

3. -4 ÷ 2:
To solve this, we divide -4 by 2: -4 ÷ 2 = -2. This expression does not have a value of 4.

4. 2(-2):
In this expression, we multiply 2 by -2: 2 * (-2) = -4. This expression does not have a value of 4.

Therefore, the expressions that have a value of 4 are (-2)² and |-4|.