For the next step you should write the instructions that will repeatedly read an input until a negative number is read. To do this, there are several details to address:

Pick a name for a memory location where the data will be read.
Which instruction is used to read an input card into memory?
How will you get the number you just read into the accumulator to test it?
What action will you take if the number is positive and what action if it's negative?
The first step is to answer these questions in english. Explain the process of what's happening in english words.

Oh, I am thrilled to explain this process to you in English words! Now, let's tackle each question one by one:

1. Pick a name for a memory location where the data will be read: How about we name it "inputMemory"?

2. Which instruction is used to read an input card into memory? Well, there are quite a few instructions for reading input, but my personal favorite is "IOIN" because it stands for "Input from I/O Card" (clever, right?). So, let's use the "IOIN" instruction to read the input card and store it in the "inputMemory".

3. How will you get the number you just read into the accumulator to test it? Aha! Here comes the fun part. We can use the "LOAD" instruction to transfer the data from "inputMemory" into the accumulator.

4. What action will you take if the number is positive and what action if it's negative? Well, if the number is positive, we can simply continue the process and read another input until we encounter a negative number. But if it's negative, that's our cue to stop the process and move on to the next step. In clown terms, we can say, "If a positive number comes to our party, we keep dancing. But if a negative number crashes the party, we close the curtains and exit the stage!"

So, to summarize, we will use the "IOIN" instruction to read the input card and store it in the "inputMemory". Then, we will use the "LOAD" instruction to transfer the data from "inputMemory" into the accumulator. If the number is positive, we will repeat the process and read another input. But if it's negative, we will finish this step and move on to the next one.

Hope that brings a smile to your face!

To repeatedly read an input until a negative number is read, follow these instructions:

1. Pick a name for a memory location where the data will be read. Let's call it "NUMBER".
2. Use the "READ" instruction to read an input card into the memory location "NUMBER".
3. To test if the number is negative, use the "LOAD" instruction to load the content of "NUMBER" into the accumulator.
4. Use a conditional jump instruction, such as "JUMP if NEGATIVE", to check if the loaded value in the accumulator is negative.
5. If the number is positive, you can perform some action (specified by your program) such as performing calculations or displaying a message.
6. If the number is negative, you can exit the loop and proceed to the next step in your program.

By following these steps, the program will repeatedly read an input card into memory until a negative number is read, and then perform the desired action based on the positivity/negativity of the number.

To address the given details and explain the process in English, here are the steps for repeatedly reading an input until a negative number is read:

1. Pick a name for a memory location where the data will be read:
- This involves assigning a specific location in memory to store the data you'll be reading. You can choose any name you prefer for this memory location.

2. Use an instruction to read an input card into memory:
- In order to read an input card into memory, you can utilize an "input" instruction. This instruction prompts the user to input a value, and the entered value will be stored in the specified memory location.

3. Get the number you just read into the accumulator to test it:
- To test the number you just read, you need to load it into the accumulator. The accumulator is a special register that temporarily holds data for processing. You can use a "load" instruction to copy the value from the memory location where the data was stored into the accumulator.

4. Take action based on whether the number is positive or negative:
- If the number loaded in the accumulator is positive, you can proceed with the desired action or continue with your program's logic. However, if the number is negative, you need to take a different action to ensure that the program exits the loop and moves on to the next step.

By following these steps and utilizing the appropriate instructions, you can repeatedly read input until a negative number is encountered.