The graph shown represents the equation

y=3x- 9

Which equation also represents the line
drawn on the graph?

I just need help on this, can someone please explain how to break this question down? Thank you!

Consider the graph and equation, y = 3x, that represent Alonso’s walking speed. What relationship is represented by this equation and graph? What would the points (3, 9) and (5, 15) represent? Explain.

Who even knows

To determine which equation represents the line shown on the graph, we need to carefully analyze the graph and identify some key characteristics. Here's how we can break it down:

1. Look for the slope: The equation y = mx + b represents a linear equation where m is the slope of the line. By observing the graph, you can determine the slope by identifying how steep the line is and in which direction it is slanting.

2. Find the y-intercept: The value of b in the equation y = mx + b represents the y-coordinate where the line intersects the y-axis. Look for the point where the line crosses or touches the y-axis on the graph.

Once you determine the slope and the y-intercept, you can rewrite the equation in the standard form, y = mx + b. Now you can compare the coefficients (m and b) with the given equation options to find the correct equation that represents the line on the graph.

In this specific case, the equation given is y = 3x - 9. By comparing it with the general form, we can see that the slope is 3 and the y-intercept is -9. Look for the equation option that also has a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of -9. That equation would represent the line shown on the graph.

no graph

no other line

How do you expect us to help when you do not describe the figures involved?