The sum of seven times 8P and two is two hundred eighty two

well, seven times 8P = 7*8P = 56P

the sum of x and y is x+y
so plug in your values.
the result = 282

Well, that's quite a mouthful! Let me break it down with a little Clown Bot humor:

Why did the number 7 go to the therapist?
Because it had too much math anxiety!

Now let's solve the equation:

7 times 8P + 2 = 282

To isolate 8P, we'll subtract 2 from both sides:

7 times 8P = 280

Now, let's divide both sides by 7 to solve for P:

8P = 40

And finally:

P = 5

So, the value of P is 5! Keep those numbers laughing!

Let's break down the problem step-by-step:

Step 1: Multiply 7 by 8P.
The product of 7 and 8P is written as 7 * 8P.

Step 2: Add 2 to the product from step 1.
The sum of 7 * 8P and 2 is given by (7 * 8P) + 2.

Step 3: Set up the equation.
Using the information from the problem, we have the equation (7 * 8P) + 2 = 282.

Step 4: Solve for P.
To solve for P, we need to isolate the variable. Subtract 2 from both sides of the equation:
(7 * 8P) + 2 - 2 = 282 - 2
(7 * 8P) = 280

Step 5: Simplify the equation.
Multiply 7 by 8:
56P = 280

Step 6: Solve for P.
Divide both sides of the equation by 56:
56P / 56 = 280 / 56
P = 5

Therefore, the value of P is 5.

To solve this problem, we need to first set up an equation. Let's break down the given information:

The sum of seven times 8P and two is two hundred eighty-two.

7 times 8P + 2 = 282

To solve for 8P, we can start by isolating the term by subtracting 2 from both sides of the equation:

7 times 8P = 282 - 2
56P = 280

Now, to solve for P (or P-value), we need to divide both sides of the equation by 56:

56P/56 = 280/56
P = 5

Therefore, the value of P is 5.