A video streaming service offers unlimited movies for $ 15 per month. Write an equation to represent the cost per month. Is this proportional?

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A video streaming service offers unlimited movies for $ 15 per month. Write an equation to represent the cost per month. Is this proportional?

Can someone please check this

$15 is the cost for one month, so I guess that is correct.

If you want an equation that represents the cost for m months, then that would be
C = 15m

Or maybe you want
C/m = 15
where given the total cost C, you divide by the # of months (m), getting the cost per month.

Yes, your equation is correct. The equation C = $15 represents the cost per month for the video streaming service, where C is the cost.

As for whether this is proportional, we need to consider the definition of proportionality. Two quantities are considered proportional if they have a constant ratio. In this case, the cost per month and the number of movies are the relevant quantities.

If the streaming service truly offers unlimited movies for $15 per month, then the number of movies does not affect the cost. Regardless of how many movies you watch, the cost remains the same. This implies a constant ratio of cost to the number of movies.

Therefore, the cost per month is proportional to the number of movies, and the equation C = $15 represents this proportionality.