Central Park is a rectangular park in New York City. Find the actual perimeter and area of Central Park.

To find the actual perimeter and area of Central Park, we need the exact measurements of its dimensions. Unfortunately, Central Park is not a perfect rectangle and its dimensions vary throughout the park.

The approximate total area of Central Park is 843 acres, which is equivalent to approximately 3.41 square kilometers. However, it's important to note that this approximation includes the entire park, including the landscape, lakes, and other features.

As for the perimeter, since Central Park is not a perfect rectangle, we cannot provide an exact perimeter measurement. The park's perimeter stretches for about 6 miles, enclosing an area of approximately 843 acres. However, the boundary of the park is not a perfect rectangle, so the length of each side varies.

In conclusion, while we can provide an approximate area and perimeter, we cannot provide exact measurements for Central Park due to its irregular shape.

To find the actual perimeter and area of Central Park, you would need the dimensions of the park. However, Central Park's dimensions can vary depending on the specific area that you are referring to. The park covers approximately 843 acres of land and stretches over 2.5 miles from north to south and 0.5 miles from east to west.

To calculate the perimeter, since Central Park is a rectangle, you would need to find the sum of all four sides. Given that Central Park extends 2.5 miles from north to south and 0.5 miles from east to west, you can calculate the perimeter using the formula:

Perimeter = 2 * (length + width)

Using the given dimensions, the perimeter of Central Park would be:

Perimeter = 2 * (2.5 + 0.5) miles
Perimeter = 2 * 3 miles
Perimeter = 6 miles

Therefore, the actual perimeter of Central Park is 6 miles.

To calculate the area of Central Park, you can use the formula:

Area = length * width

Using the given dimensions, the area of Central Park would be:

Area = 2.5 miles * 0.5 miles
Area = 1.25 square miles

Therefore, the actual area of Central Park is 1.25 square miles.

it 2021 baby

as with all rectangles, perimeter = 2(length+width)