So just wanna be correct, 5x+6(x-2)-8(x-3)

A. 19x+36 @@@
c. 3x-36

distributing ... 5x + 6x - 12 - 8x + 24

OK thanks R_scott

To simplify the given expression: 5x + 6(x - 2) - 8(x - 3), you need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the first term, 5x.
2. Next, apply the distributive property to the second term, 6(x - 2). Multiply 6 by each term inside the parentheses: 6 * x = 6x and 6 * -2 = -12. The expression becomes 5x + 6x - 12.
3. Similarly, apply the distributive property to the third term, -8(x - 3). Multiply -8 by each term inside the parentheses: -8 * x = -8x and -8 * -3 = 24. The expression becomes 5x + 6x - 12 - 8x + 24.
4. Now, combine like terms. Add the x terms together: 5x + 6x - 8x = 3x. The expression simplifies to 3x - 12 + 24.
5. Finally, combine the constants: -12 + 24 = 12.
6. The final simplified expression is 3x + 12.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. 3x + 12.