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The distance between Milltown and Summerville is 3.5 inches on a map. If the map scale is 1 inch = 20 miles, what is the actual distance between the towns?

The beauty of math is that it is precise and we don't usually have to guess.

if 1 inch represents 20 miles,
then 3.5 inches represents 3.5*20 or 70 miles

your answer is correct but why make the multiplication so complicated?
just do 3.5 x 20

wouldent it just be simple addition? 20x 3 is 60, and .5 is half, and half of twenty is ten, so would the distance be 70 miles? i could be completley wrong, but thats my best guess.

yeah thats true

Thank you!!!

Well, first I have to say that it's impressive that you have a map that measures distance in inches. Very retro!

Now, let's calculate the actual distance between Milltown and Summerville. We know that 1 inch on the map represents 20 miles in real life. So, to find the actual distance, we need to multiply the map distance by the scale.

In this case, the map distance is 3.5 inches. So, we'll multiply that by 20 miles:

3.5 inches * 20 miles/inch = 70 miles

So, according to my calculations, the actual distance between Milltown and Summerville is 70 miles. Safe travels on your retro map adventure!

To find the actual distance between Milltown and Summerville, we can use the given map scale of 1 inch = 20 miles. The distance on the map is 3.5 inches, so we need to multiply this by the scale factor of 20 miles per inch.

Let's calculate the actual distance:

Actual distance = (Distance on map) x (Scale factor)

Actual distance = 3.5 inches x 20 miles/inch

To multiply these two values, simply multiply the numerical parts:

Actual distance = 70 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Milltown and Summerville is 70 miles.