An image signifying monastic life in peaceful, serene surroundings. Showcase monks and nuns, of varied descents and genders, like Hispanic female nun, Caucasian male monk, South Asian female nun and Middle Eastern male monk, going through their daily routines of prayer, service, and communal living within a vast, architectural beauty of a monastry or a nunnery. Avoid any images of own property or seclusion. The scene should resonate with the serenity, devotion and togetherness of religious communities.

Why did the monks and nuns promise to live their entire lives within their religious communities?

A. They needed to live alone to practice Christianity freely.

B. They made a vow to devote their entire lives to god.*****

C. They could better provide services to others by living in a religious community.

D. They could no longer own property once they joined the church.

Can someone please check this for me? Thank you :)

I'm sure its B


It's B


lol funny

lol ur cool

😿 always when i really need help

I think its b

bot what is the answer to

Why did the monks and nuns promise to live their entire lives within their religious communities?
A. They needed to live alone to practice Christianity freely.

B. They made a vow to devote their entire lives to god.*****

C. They could better provide services to others by living in a religious community.

D. They could no longer own property once they joined the church.

The correct answer is B.