A coral reef has thrived near a coastline for thousands of years. Over the last decade, climate change has caused sea levels to rise. The coral reef is now deeper under water. Which sentence accurately describes the effects of this change? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

The coral reef now has less protection against deposition.
The coastline now has less protection against erosion.
The coastline now has more protection against erosion.
The coral reef now has more protection against deposition.

To determine the correct answers, let's analyze the situation. A coral reef near a coastline has experienced a rise in sea levels over the last decade, causing it to be deeper underwater. Based on this information, we can assess the effects on both the coral reef and the coastline.

1. The coral reef now has less protection against deposition:
This statement is incorrect. When sea levels rise, it means there is more water covering the coral reef. This increased depth can provide additional protection against deposition, which refers to the settling of sediment or particles on a surface. Therefore, the reef would have more protection against deposition, not less.

2. The coastline now has less protection against erosion:
This statement is correct. With the rise in sea levels, the coastline is now more exposed to the erosive forces of the ocean. Higher water levels increase the power and frequency of waves, which can lead to increased erosion along the coastline. Therefore, the coastline has less protection against erosion.

3. The coastline now has more protection against erosion:
This statement is incorrect. As explained earlier, a rise in sea levels actually leads to less protection against erosion. The increased force and impact of the waves can cause more erosion, rather than protecting the coastline.

4. The coral reef now has more protection against deposition:
This statement is incorrect. As mentioned earlier, the rise in sea levels results in the coral reef being deeper underwater. This deeper position can offer more protection against the deposition of sediments or particles, as they are more likely to pass over or around the reef rather than settle on it.

Therefore, the accurate statements regarding the effects of the change in sea levels are:
- The coastline now has less protection against erosion.
- The coral reef now has more protection against deposition.