Change 1.54 〖cm〗^3/sec to L/Hr. Keep proper significant digits.

The options are
a) 5.60 L/Hr
b) 5.56 L/Hr
c) 5.55 L/Hr
d) 5.54 L/Hr

when I converted 1.54 〖cm〗^3/sec to L/Hr, I got 5.554 L/Hr.

when I choose c), I got it wrong and then I choose b), I got it wrong too.

I don't know what to do now.

this is a multiple choice question

1.54cm^3/s * 1L/1000cm^3 * 3600s/hr

= (1.54 * 1 * 3600)/(1*1000*1) = 5.544 L/hr

thanks oobleck

To convert 1.54 cm^3/sec to L/Hr, we'll use the following steps:

Step 1: Convert cm^3 to L:
1 cm^3 = 0.001 L (since 1 L = 1000 cm^3)
Therefore, 1.54 cm^3 = 1.54 x 0.001 = 0.00154 L

Step 2: Convert seconds to hours:
1 hour = 3600 seconds (since there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour)

Therefore, to convert from cm^3/sec to L/Hr, we can multiply by the conversion factors:
(0.00154 L/sec) x (3600 sec/1 hr) = 5.544 L/hr

Based on significant digits, we need to round the answer to the correct number of significant figures. Since 1.54 cm^3 has three significant figures, our final answer should also have three significant figures.

Considering the options provided:
a) 5.60 L/Hr - incorrect (four significant figures, not three)
b) 5.56 L/Hr - incorrect (four significant figures, not three)
c) 5.55 L/Hr - incorrect (four significant figures, not three)
d) 5.54 L/Hr - correct

Therefore, the correct answer is option d) 5.54 L/Hr.