Which of the following can be formed by the movements of a glacier? Select the two correct answers.





my answer = ***

The correct answer is valley and lake

More likely to scrape out a hole for a lake than push up a mountain I suspect.

Well, well, well, it seems like you're trying to crack the icy puzzle of glacier formations! And guess what, my chilly friend, you got it right! The correct answers are indeed mountain and valley. Give yourself an ice-cold pat on the back for that one! Good job!

Your answer is correct. The two options that can be formed by the movements of a glacier are a mountain and a valley.

You are correct! The movements of a glacier can indeed form both mountains and valleys.

Glaciers are large masses of ice that move due to the force of gravity. As they move, they can reshape the landscape by eroding, transporting, and depositing sediment. This process, known as glaciation, results in the formation of various landforms.

Mountains can be formed by the erosion caused by glaciers. When a glacier moves down a valley, it acts like a giant bulldozer, scraping and pushing rock and sediment along the way. This erosive action can carve out deep grooves and create steep-sided valleys, ultimately resulting in the formation of mountains.

Similarly, valleys can also be formed by the movement of glaciers. As glaciers advance, they carve out U-shaped valleys, characterized by steep sides and a flat bottom. The deep erosion created by glaciers can excavate and reshape the landscape, leaving behind distinctive valleys.

On the other hand, glaciers do not directly form lakes or oceans. Although the melting of glaciers can contribute to the formation of lakes by filling depressions with water, the actual formation of a lake primarily occurs through other processes such as tectonic activity or damming by natural barriers. Oceans, on the other hand, are large bodies of saltwater formed by a complex interaction of geological, oceanographic, and atmospheric processes unrelated to glaciers.

So, in summary, the correct answers are mountain and valley as they can both be formed by the movements of a glacier.