Can anybody help to WAP to arrange the elements of array where all positive integers appear before negative integers.

In VBA pls

one easy way is to create two new arrays, then scan the original array, placing positive values into one, and negative values into the other.

Then join the two arrays into one new array.

google can help you find VBA code snippets to perform these tasks.

Yes, I can help with that! To arrange the elements of an array so that all positive integers appear before the negative integers, you can use a technique called "partitioning". Here's how you can do it in Python:

1. Initialize two empty lists, one for positive integers and another for negative integers.

2. Iterate through each element in the array.

3. Check if the element is positive (greater than or equal to zero). If it is, append it to the positive list.

4. If the element is negative (less than zero), append it to the negative list.

5. Finally, concatenate the positive list and the negative list to create the sorted array.

Here's an example implementation of the code:

def arrange_elements(arr):
positive = []
negative = []

for num in arr:
if num >= 0:

return positive + negative

# Example usage:
array = [4, -2, 1, -5, 0, 3, -1]
result = arrange_elements(array)
In this example, the output would be `[4, 1, 0, 3, -2, -5, -1]`.

This algorithm has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the array.