Joong Ki, Minho and Ali have some green and some red buttons. Joong Ki has 9 more buttons than Minho. Minho has 5 more green buttons than Joong Ki. The ratio of the number of red buttons that Joong Ki has to the number of red buttons that Minho has is 5:3. The ratio of the number of green buttons to red buttons Ali has is 3:1

How many red buttons do Joong Ki and Minho have together?

Please help, thank you so much.

Note that the number of buttons Ali has makes no difference to the problem.

So, let a = Ki's red buttons
b = Ki's green buttons
c = Minho's red buttons
d = Minho's green button.
They have told you that
a+b = c+d+9
d = b+5
a/c = 5/3
Solve those. I get a+c = 56, regardless of b and d

I dont get it

To solve this problem, we need to break it down step by step.

Let's assign variables for each person's number of buttons:
Let J = number of buttons Joong Ki has
Let M = number of buttons Minho has

Given that Joong Ki has 9 more buttons than Minho, we can write an equation:
J = M + 9 (Equation 1)

Given that Minho has 5 more green buttons than Joong Ki, we can write another equation:
M - 5 = (J - 5) + 5 (Equation 2)
M - 5 = J (Equation 2 simplified)

Given that the ratio of the number of red buttons that Joong Ki has to the number of red buttons that Minho has is 5:3, we can write another equation:
J/RedButtons_J = 5/3 (Equation 3)

Now, combining Equations 1 and 2, we can solve for J:
J = (J - 5) + 9
J - J + 5 = 9
5 = 9
This equation is not true, which means there is no solution to this problem. It seems there is a contradiction in the given information.

Therefore, it is not possible to determine the number of red buttons that Joong Ki and Minho have together with the given information.