I know the answer to (0.25x - 3) - (1.5x + 1.4) is 1.75x - 4.4 but I don’t understand how to get it, can you guys help me!

Oh thx guys I get it now and it was a typo it was supposed to be (-0.25x - 3) - ( 1.5x + 1.4)

collect like terms ... the x's and the constants

then use the distributive property.
(0.25x - 3) - (1.5x + 1.4)
0.25x - 3 - 1.5x - 1.4
since addition is commutative, that's the same as
0.25x - 1.5x - 3 - 1.4
now the distributive property kicks in:
(0.25-1.5)x - (3+1.4)
-1.25x - 4.4

I suspect you have a typo. You sure it was not (0.25x - 3) - (-1.5x + 1.4) ?

Also the answer was -1.75x - 4.4 my teacher made an error

Of course! I'd be happy to explain how to get the answer.

To simplify the expression (0.25x - 3) - (1.5x + 1.4), we need to perform the necessary operations.

First, let's simplify the expression inside the second parentheses (1.5x + 1.4) by distributing the negative sign:

(0.25x - 3) - 1.5x - 1.4

Next, we subtract the expressions with like terms. In this case, we have "0.25x" and "-1.5x", which can be combined:

0.25x - 1.5x = -1.25x

Now, let's combine the constant terms "-3" and "-1.4":

-3 - 1.4 = -4.4

Finally, we can rewrite the simplified expression as:

-1.25x - 4.4

However, you stated that the answer is 1.75x - 4.4, not -1.25x - 4.4. It seems there might be a mistake in your calculation. Please double-check your work to ensure the correct answer.

If you need further clarification or have any additional questions, feel free to ask!

If your expression means:

- ( 0.25 x - 3 ) - ( 1.5 x - 1.4 )


- ( 0.25 x - 3 ) - ( 1.5 x - 1.4 ) =

- 0.25 x - ( - 3 ) - 1.5 x - ( - 1.4 ) =

- 0.25 x + 3 - 1.5 x + 1.4 =

- 1.75 x + 4.4