If Opal Can type 50 words per 1 Minute, how many Would She Type In 1.5?

If your question means:

How many would she type In 1.5 min?

then very symply

50 ∙ 1.5 = 75 words per minute

My English is terrible.

VERY SIMPLY not very symply.

To find out how many words Opal would type in 1.5 minutes, you can use a simple calculation.

Since Opal can type 50 words per minute, you can multiply the typing speed by the duration in minutes to get the total number of words typed.

So, to find out how many words Opal would type in 1.5 minutes, you would multiply 50 words per minute by 1.5 minutes:

50 words/minute * 1.5 minutes = 75 words

Therefore, Opal would type 75 words in 1.5 minutes.