An educational and visually appealing image that depicts a conceptual explanation of rounding off numbers, with a prominent number like 389,735 being rounded off. A visualization of this might include a giant number line with emphasis on thousands, possibly captured within a classroom scenario.

how do we round 389,735 to the nearest thousand

start with 389 + .735 thousand

well .735 is at least .5, in fact more,
up to 390 thousand

To round 389,735 to the nearest thousand, you need to look at the hundreds place value.

1. Start by identifying the thousands place value, which is the digit to the left of the hundreds place. In this case, the thousands digit is 8.

2. Look at the hundreds place value, which is the digit in the hundreds place. In this case, it is 9.

3. If the hundreds place value is 5 or greater, you round up. If it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, the hundreds place value is 9, which is greater than 5.

4. To round up to the nearest thousand, increase the thousands digit by 1. So, the rounded value is 390,000.


S.E.P 666 is coming run hide


389735 to the nearest thousands

Round 8 , 7358,735 to the nearest thousand.