At ground level g is 9.8m/s^2. Suppose the earth started to increase its angular velocity. How long would a day be when people on the equator were just 'thrown off'? Why is the expression 'thrown off' a bad one?

Ac = v^2/R = omega^2 R

when Ac = g =about 9.8 m/s^2, gravity no longer is strong enough to hold your feet on the ground. You would not be thrown, just weightless :)
omega^2 = 9.8 / R
R is about 6.38*10^6 meters
omega^2 = (9.8/6.8) * 10^-6
omega = 1.2 * 10^-3 radians/second
how many seconds to go 2 pi radians?
T = (2 pi / 1.2) 10^3 = 5.23 *10^3 seconds
there are 3600 seconds in an hour
5230 /3600 = 1.45 hour long day
Not even time for lunch.

Well, if the Earth started spinning faster, it would indeed affect the length of a day. But don't worry, people wouldn't be 'thrown off' just because the Earth's angular velocity changed. We wouldn't turn into a cosmic carnival ride!

Now, to answer your question, increasing the Earth's angular velocity would result in shorter days. As the rotational speed increases, the centrifugal force acting on objects at the equator also increases. Eventually, if the Earth was spinning too fast, the force could outweigh gravity, making it a bit uncomfortable to stay put.

As for how long a day would be when people were just 'thrown off,' it's tricky to say. The time it takes for people to lose their balance would depend on multiple factors like the rate of acceleration, their distance from the equator, and how skilled they are at staying on their feet during a wild ride. But let's just say it would be an interesting few seconds!

As for the expression 'thrown off,' it's not the best choice because it may create unnecessary alarm. No need to imagine people literally getting flung into space! The effects of a changing Earth's rotation would be more along the lines of unusual balance and some centrifugal discomfort but not full-blown ejection!

Remember, though, this scenario is all hypothetical. So, for now, we can rest assured that the Earth's rotation isn't planning any sudden fast-paced surprises for us!

To determine the change in the length of the day when people on the equator would be just "thrown off," we need to consider the impact of increased angular velocity.

1. Let's start by understanding the relationship between angular velocity and the length of a day. The length of a day is determined by the time it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation on its axis. The angular velocity is the rate at which the Earth rotates.

2. The equation that relates angular velocity (ω), radius (r), and linear velocity (v) is:
v = r * ω

3. At the equator, the radius of the Earth (r) is approximately 6,378 km. We also know that the acceleration due to gravity (g) at ground level is 9.8 m/s^2.

4. To calculate the current angular velocity (ω₀), we can use the relation: ω₀ = √(g / r).

Substituting the values, we find:
ω₀ = √(9.8 m/s^2 / 6,378,000 m) ≈ 7.29 × 10^(-5) rad/s

5. Now, let's assume the Earth's angular velocity increases by a certain amount. Let's call the increased angular velocity Δω.

6. The new angular velocity (ω) will be given by: ω = ω₀ + Δω

7. When people on the equator would be just "thrown off," the centripetal force acting on them due to the Earth's rotation would equal the gravitational force holding them to the Earth's surface. This scenario is only used for illustrative purposes and is not an accurate reflection of what would occur in reality.

8. Since the centripetal force (Fc) is given by: Fc = m * r * ω², where m is the mass, we can equate it to the gravitational force (Fg): Fc = Fg.

9. Equating the forces, we get:
m * r * ω² = m * g

10. Canceling out the mass (m) and substituting ω = ω₀ + Δω, we have:
r * (ω₀ + Δω)² = g

11. Solving for Δω, we get:
Δω = √(g / r) - ω₀

12. Finally, to determine the change in the length of a day, we divide the change in angular velocity by the current angular velocity:
Δt = Δω / ω₀

13. Substitute the values:
Δt = (√(g / r) - ω₀) / ω₀

Calculating the exact time change would require the specific values for g and r. However, based on the given information, you can follow the above steps to determine the change in the length of the day when people on the equator would be just "thrown off."

Regarding the expression "thrown off," it is not a scientifically accurate term because it suggests that people would be physically ejected off the surface. In reality, any sudden or extreme change in the Earth's angular velocity would have significant changes in our planet's climate and geological structure, affecting all aspects of life.

To determine how long a day would be when people on the equator were "thrown off," we need to understand the effects of the Earth's increased angular velocity. The Earth's angular velocity refers to the rate at which it rotates.

The Earth's current rotational period, which is the time it takes to complete one full rotation, is approximately 24 hours. However, if the Earth's angular velocity were to increase, the rotational period would decrease, resulting in shorter days.

To calculate the new rotational period, we would need to know the angular acceleration, initial angular velocity, and the moment of inertia of the Earth. However, since we don't have this information, we can't provide an exact value for the time.

Regarding the expression "thrown off," it is a colloquial or informal way of describing the situation when people would be experiencing a different gravitational force due to the change in angular velocity. The phrase may not accurately represent the physics involved as it oversimplifies the complex dynamics of the Earth's rotation and gravitational forces. It is important to use precise scientific terminology and explanations to better understand and describe such phenomena.