What does ire a la boltería para comprar dos redondos a la ciudad mean?

I will go to the pastry shop to buy two rounds to the city.

Thank you just realized I wrote the question wrong lol thank you though

The phrase "ire a la boltería para comprar dos redondos a la ciudad" seems to be a combination of Spanish words and it is not a coherent sentence. However, I can break it down for you:

"Ire" is the first-person singular future tense of the verb "ir," which means "to go" in English.

"La boltería" could be a typo or misspelling, as it does not correspond to any common Spanish word. There is a possibility that it could be a regional slang term or a local business name, but without further context, it is unclear.

"Para comprar" means "to buy" in English. "Dos" means "two," and "redondos" refers to "round things."

"A la ciudad" translates to "to the city" in English.

Since the phrase appears to be incomplete or not accurately structured, it is difficult to provide a precise translation or meaning. It would be helpful to have more context or clarification to offer a more accurate interpretation.