ive got 3 questions:

1 During a soccer game, Erin scored 3 out of 7 goals attempted. Lauren scored 7 out of 10 goals attempted. Who was more successful?

2 Jennifer is sewing costumes for a school play. Each outfit requires 3 yards of material. How many complete costumes can Jennifer make if she has 22 yards of fabric?

3 Natalie is moving cement blocks in a wagon. Each block weighs 7 pounds, and the wagon can only carry 77 pounds at a time. How many blocks can Natalie carry in the wagon at a time?

#1 convert to decimals and it's easy to compare

#2 22/3 = ___
#3 77/7 = ___

in question 1, is laren most sucsessful?? @oobleck

1 answers

A Erin
B Laren
C They were equaly sucsessful

2 answers
A 6 costumes
B 66 costumes
C 8 costumes
D 7 costumes

3 answers
A 9 blocks
B 11 blocks
C 10 blocks
D 12 blocks

#1 well,

3/7 = 0.42
7/10 = 0.70
so, yes, clearly Lauren was more successful

Sure, I can help you with those questions. Here are the explanations on how to get the answers:

1. To determine who was more successful in terms of scoring goals, we can compare their goal-scoring rates. Erin scored 3 out of 7 goals attempted, which means her success rate is 3/7, or 3 divided by 7. Lauren scored 7 out of 10 goals attempted, so her success rate is 7/10. To compare the success rates, you can convert them to decimals by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then, compare the decimal values. The higher decimal value represents the higher success rate.

2. To find out how many complete costumes Jennifer can make with 22 yards of fabric, divide the total yards of fabric by the amount of fabric needed for each outfit. In this case, Jennifer needs 3 yards of material per outfit. Therefore, you would divide 22 by 3 using long division. The quotient will give you the number of complete costumes Jennifer can make.

3. To determine how many blocks Natalie can carry in the wagon at a time, you need to divide the weight the wagon can carry (77 pounds) by the weight of each block (7 pounds). By dividing 77 by 7, you will get the number of blocks Natalie can carry in the wagon at a time.

Let me know if you need any further assistance or if you have more questions!