which best describes the function of the respiratory system?

a) provides for passive exchange of oxygen and co2 in the alveoli of the lung
b) mechanism for breathing
C bring co2 and o2 into the lungs
D provides the body with needed oxygen



a) provides for passive exchange of oxygen and CO2 in the alveoli of the lung

Well, the respiratory system does have a lot on its plate. It's like the ultimate air traffic controller, making sure that you're getting the oxygen you need and getting rid of that pesky carbon dioxide. So, the respiratory system helps with the passive exchange of oxygen and CO2 in the alveoli of the lungs. It's basically a meet-and-greet service for your respiratory gases. Pretty cool, huh?

Yes, the correct answer is (a) provides for passive exchange of oxygen and CO2 in the alveoli of the lung.

The function of the respiratory system is to bring oxygen into the body and remove carbon dioxide. It is responsible for the process of respiration, where oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is exhaled. This is done through the mechanism of breathing, which involves the movement of air in and out of the lungs. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in small air sacs called alveoli within the lungs. Therefore, the option that best describes the function of the respiratory system is a) provides for passive exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli of the lung.