jesse played two days of golf. on the second day he got a score of 6 below par or -6 his total score out of both days was a 0 above par or 0

please help me i need to define this as a variable.

and can you show me how you got it please

So, if he scored x (above or below par) on the 2nd day,

-6 + x = 0

To define this situation as a variable, let's use the variable "x" to represent Jesse's score on the first day of golf.

Since Jesse's total score out of both days was a 0 above par or 0, we can set up the equation:

x + (x - 6) = 0

In this equation, the first term "x" represents Jesse's score on the first day, and the second term "(x - 6)" represents his score on the second day, which was 6 below par.

By simplifying the equation, we can solve for x:

2x - 6 = 0
2x = 6
x = 3

Therefore, Jesse's score on the first day of golf, represented by variable "x", was 3.