How is 🔺 pqr related to 🔺 stu

I'd say they are both triangles.

To determine the relationship between the triangles ΔPQR and ΔSTU, we need to compare their corresponding sides and angles.

1. Sides:
- Corresponding sides in two triangles are those that are in the same relative position or location.
- Compare the length of side PQ to TU, QR to US, and RP to ST.
- If the lengths of the corresponding sides are equal, we can say that the triangles are congruent or identical in shape.
- If the lengths are proportional, the triangles could be similar.

2. Angles:
- Compare the measures of the corresponding angles in ΔPQR and ΔSTU.
- If the measures of the corresponding angles are equal, the triangles are similar.
- If the angle measures are equal and the lengths of the corresponding sides are proportional, the triangles are similar.

To establish a relationship between the two triangles, you need to compare both the sides and angles. By doing so, you can determine if the triangles are congruent, similar, or neither.