What do you think they mean when asking How does the author A Nation Apart organize information to build his argument? Does he include any counterarguments? Why or why not? What kinds of statistics, graphs, or illustrations does the author include? In what ways do these visuals strengthen the author’s arguments?

Please note that this say "What do YOU think..." No one else can speak for you. After you write your thoughts, some one could proofread it for you.


How does the author of A Nation Apart organize information to build his argument?

Simon Elegant organizes his information around the arguments for, and counterarguments against his belief, that the Chinese economy may survive the economic crisis. He begins by addressing current shortfalls and signs of decline, but then transitions to a more hopeful tone as he reveals counter-information to the dour predictions of U.S. economists. By focusing on local Chinese' experts more optimistic predictions combined with a balanced evaluation of the positive and negative possibilities, Elegant builds an elegant and ultimately successful persuasive article.

Does he include any counterarguments?
The author includes several counterarguments. For instance he demonstrates that the unemployment rate is quite high and that there are several concurrent problems with the Chinese economy, including a 4% drop in electricity production. He also points out that experts have anticipated China would have economic difficulties. Finally, elegant states the counterarguments that exports will be down and that corruption and pork barrel spending may both cause additional difficulties

Why or why not?
It is almost a requirement for such a controversial argument that the author provide counterarguments simply because the counterarguments are so strong that to ignore them would ruin the author's credibility and the strength of the piece. Elegant has strong arguments, but without rebutting the counterarguments, they would be nowhere near convincing enough to make his case believable.

What kinds of statistics, graphs, or illustrations does the author include?

The author includes no graphs and only one illustration, the photo of Chinese youth waiting in long unemployment lines, but that one photo makes a big impact. However, the author relies greatly on statistics as his subject revolves around finances which are measured in dollars and percentages. Therefore the author includes statistics specific to the electricity sector, amount of incentives, and national growth or decline rates, among other figures.

In what ways would these visuals strengthen the author's arguments?
The authors statistics basically make his arguments; without them we would be left with little more than an editorial. In particular, the photo engages the audience, and then the statistics provide a powerful suggestion that it just might be possible for the Chinese economy to surprise us, even if some of the statistics illustrate how dire the situation is. As with the arguments and counterarguments, if both sides of the statistical picture weren't included the piece would be weaker.

What makes the argument so viable and compelling?

What type of introduction and what type of

conclusion do you plan to write for your research paper? How does the introduction draw readers into your argument, and how does the conclusion neatly tie up your paper? Explain your answers.

When analyzing how an author organizes information to build their argument, it is important to examine the text for various textual clues and elements. In the case of the question about the author of "A Nation Apart", we need to examine the text to determine if any counterarguments are presented and what types of statistics, graphs, or illustrations are used to strengthen the author's arguments.

To answer these questions, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text: Begin by reading the text "A Nation Apart" carefully, paying close attention to the author's main argument and supporting details.

2. Identify the organizational structure: Look for the overall structure of the text. Is it organized chronologically, by cause and effect, or in some other way? Determine how the author organizes their information to present and build their argument.

3. Look for counterarguments: As you read the text, ascertain whether the author includes any counterarguments. Counterarguments are opposing viewpoints or objections to the author's main argument. They may be explicitly stated or implied. Take note of how the author responds to these counterarguments (if any).

4. Identify statistics, graphs, or illustrations: Pay attention to any statistical data, graphs, or illustrations included in the text. These visual aids are often used to provide evidence and support the author's argument. Note what specific types of visuals are used and how they contribute to the author's overall message.

5. Analyze the strength of the visuals: Consider how these visuals enhance the author's arguments. Do they provide clarity, support, or credibility? Evaluate how the statistics, graphs, or illustrations contribute to the overall persuasive power of the text.

It is important to note that as an AI, I do not have access to the specific text "A Nation Apart". However, by following the steps mentioned above, you will be able to analyze the text on your own and determine how the author organizes information, whether they include counterarguments, and how the visuals strengthen their arguments.