A horse drinks 120 gallons of water in 4 days, how many gallons of water does the horse drink in 30 days?

30 days * 120gal/4days = (30*120)/4 = 900 gals

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To find out how many gallons of water the horse drinks in 30 days, we can use proportions.

First, let's set up a proportion to compare the number of days and the amount of water consumed:

Days: 4 days = 30 days
Water: 120 gallons = x gallons

To find the value of x (the unknown amount of water consumed in 30 days), we can use cross-multiplication:

4 days * x gallons = 30 days * 120 gallons

Now, let's solve for x:

4x = 30 * 120

To isolate x, divide both sides of the equation by 4:

x = (30 * 120) / 4

x = 900 gallons

Therefore, the horse drinks 900 gallons of water in 30 days.