1. In order to keep the border states in the Union, Lincoln

A. refused to ever use troops
B. sent in massive numbers of federal troops
C. guaranteed that they would forever keep their slaves
D. sometimes violated habeas corpus
E. relied solely upon moral appeal
***I think it is D
2. Of the states listed, which would have had the longest history of slave ownership?
A. Maryland
B. Delaware
C. Kentucky
D. Virginia
***I think it is D
3. Which statement about the Emancipation Proclamation is most accurate?
A. It ended slavery only in the border states that never left the Union
B. It ended slavery as of January 1, 1863
C. It resulted in a negotiated settlement between the Union and Confederacy.
D. It made the end to slavery a military goal of the war.
***I think it is D
4. All of the following were Union Army objectives leading to the Battle of Shiloh EXCEPT
A. the occupation of Memphis
B. the seizure of major rail lines near the Mississippi-Tennessee border
C. The continued division of the CSA into two theatres of operation
D. The continued control of major rivers in the South.
5. Many Conservative European observers favored a civil war in America because
A. Britain hoped to create a Latin American Empire
B. they hoped to recolonize a broken America
C. the war would weaken American economic power
D. the war would end the balance of power
E. such a conflict would halt the flow of slaves to Canada
**I think it is C

1. The correct answer is D. Lincoln sometimes violated habeas corpus in order to keep the border states in the Union.

2. The correct answer is D. Virginia would have had the longest history of slave ownership among the listed states.
3. The correct answer is B. The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery as of January 1, 1863.
4. The correct answer is C. The continued division of the CSA into two theatres of operation was not an objective leading to the Battle of Shiloh.
5. The correct answer is C. Many Conservative European observers favored a civil war in America because they hoped the war would weaken American economic power.

1. The correct answer is D. sometimes violated habeas corpus.

Explanation: During the Civil War, President Lincoln occasionally suspended the writ of habeas corpus, which allows individuals to challenge the legality of their detention. This was done in order to maintain control in the border states, which were crucial for the Union. By suspending habeas corpus, Lincoln could arrest and detain individuals who were suspected of being Confederate sympathizers or posing a threat to the Union, without going through the normal legal process.

2. The correct answer is D. Virginia.

Explanation: Virginia, one of the original thirteen colonies, had a long history of slave ownership. It was a major slaveholding state, with a significant agricultural economy based on the labor of enslaved people. Virginia played a central role in the formation of the Confederacy and the Civil War.

3. The correct answer is B. It ended slavery as of January 1, 1863.

Explanation: The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be set free. However, it did not immediately end slavery in the border states that had remained loyal to the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation made the abolition of slavery a military goal of the war, as it sought to weaken the Confederacy by depriving it of its labor force.

4. The correct answer is C. The continued division of the CSA into two theatres of operation.

Explanation: The Battle of Shiloh took place in April 1862 and was a significant conflict during the Civil War. The Union Army had several objectives leading up to the battle, including the occupation of Memphis, the seizure of major rail lines near the Mississippi-Tennessee border, and the continued control of major rivers in the South. However, the objective of dividing the Confederate States of America (CSA) into two theaters of operation was not directly related to the Battle of Shiloh.

5. The correct answer is C. the war would weaken American economic power.

Explanation: Many European observers, particularly conservatives, hoped that the American Civil War would weaken the economic power of the United States. They saw the conflict as an opportunity to diminish the influence of America, which was emerging as a global economic and industrial power. By weakening America, they believed it would benefit their own nations by reducing competition and increasing their relative power in the global economy.