Correct the *underlined* modifier. If the sentence is already correct, write Correct in the blank.

Norman Rockwell was one of America’s *best* known illustrators.



1) neither a groundhog nor caterpillars is really dependable for forecasting, though.


2) many of the predictions are wrong.

3) Norman Rockwell was one of America's best-known illustrators.

4) of these two pictures, I enjoyed this one the most.

5) The painting with the boy and the Santa Claus suit is the most cutest picture I have ever seen.
- cutest


panda is 100% RIGHT thank you panda!!!

Panda is 100% correct 😌 thanks!!

** Helping Hand is still right.... **

1) neither a groundhog nor caterpillars is really dependable for forecasting, though.

2) many of the predictions are wrong.

3) Norman Rockwell was one of America's best-known illustrators.

4) of these two pictures, I enjoyed this one the most.

5) The painting with the boy and the Santa Claus suit is the most cutest picture I have ever seen.
- cutest


Helping hand is right 100%

thank you panda your 100% correct

thanks panda

helping hand is correct

One Beer

W panda

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're asking for. Can you please provide more context or information so I can assist you better?

1) neither a groundhog nor caterpillars is really dependable for forecasting, though.


2) many of the predictions are wrong.

3) Norman Rockwell was one of America's best-known illustrators.

4) of these two pictures, I enjoyed this one the most.

5) The painting with the boy and the Santa Claus suit is the most cutest picture I have ever seen.
- cutest

as of 2023

"America's best known" modifies illustrators.

panda still right 🥱

I think so.