"City residents affected by health problems from the plant’s toxic emissions prompted the government, for the first time, to shut down a state-run factory.

In early 2013, a state of emergency was declared in Beijing due to terrible air quality."
How did Beijing deal with record-high pollution in 2012?

1.Beijing developed new ways to clean the air.

2.Beijing permanently shut down many factories.

3.Beijing made new laws against pollution.

4.Beijing issued temporary emergency measures.
idk if its 2. or 4 because it says " early 2013" but it also doesnt say anything about 2012.

I'll give you a hint: It is one of the two you said, so one is right. Which one do you feel most strongly about?

the 2nd one because the other one says 2013. and thats not what the questions is asking for what specific year. right?

Second as in 4? Or second as in 2?

Because you wrote option four after option two when you said which ones you thought it might be.

my bad i meant option 2 lol

im going to put option 2

To find the answer to this question, we need to consider the information provided. It states that a state of emergency was declared in Beijing due to terrible air quality in early 2013, but it does not mention any specific actions taken in 2012.

While the text does not explicitly mention how Beijing dealt with record-high pollution in 2012, we can make an inference based on the given information. The statement does mention that city residents affected by health problems from toxic emissions prompted the government to shut down a state-run factory for the first time. This implies that Beijing took action to address the pollution issue.

Considering these points, we can eliminate options 1 (Beijing developed new ways to clean the air) and 3 (Beijing made new laws against pollution) since there is no direct mention of these actions.

That leaves us with options 2 (Beijing permanently shut down many factories) and 4 (Beijing issued temporary emergency measures). Based on the information provided, both options could potentially be correct, as shutting down a state-run factory indicates a permanent action. However, the statement does specifically mention "a state of emergency" being declared, which suggests that Beijing resorted to temporary emergency measures to address the record-high pollution in 2012.

Therefore, the answer is most likely 4. Beijing issued temporary emergency measures.