I am not understanding this. I thank you for your help.

1. T/F Money invested into public health in the early 1900s had a larger impact on health outcomes than money invested in the last 20 to 30 years.

Which part of this don't you understand?

False. Money invested into public health in the early 1900s had significant impact in improving health outcomes. Advances in sanitation, clean water supply, and disease control measures during that time period contributed to a decrease in mortality rates and improved overall public health. However, it is important to note that money invested in public health in the last 20 to 30 years has also had a substantial impact on health outcomes. Efforts towards disease prevention, healthcare infrastructure, immunization programs, and the development of new medical technologies have all contributed to advancements in public health during this period. The impact of investments in public health can vary depending on the specific context and the issues being addressed.

To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to consider the impact of money invested in public health during the early 1900s compared to the last 20 to 30 years.

To find this information, you can start by conducting research on the history of public health funding and its impact during these time periods. Look for scholarly articles, research papers, or official reports that provide data and analysis on the effectiveness of public health investments.

When researching, focus on key areas such as the diseases addressed, public health initiatives implemented, advancements in medical technology, and overall health outcomes. Look for evidence that demonstrates the impact of investments made during the early 1900s and compare it to the impact of investments in the last few decades.

Pay attention to factors such as improvements in sanitation, disease prevention, access to healthcare, vaccination campaigns, and advancements in medical treatments. Consider the availability and effectiveness of interventions during these different time periods.

Based on your research findings and analysis, you can then assess whether money invested in public health in the early 1900s had a larger impact on health outcomes than money invested in the last 20 to 30 years.