(1) Sal looked at the map one more time. (2) She knew that the whole troop was depending on her. (3) Sal couldn’t decide if the trail was to the east or to the west. (4) The map was confusing. (5) Sal was tired. (6) She needed to make a decision.

Which of the following sentences would intensify the suspense in this passage?
1. The sun shone brightly on the group.
2. Sal felt her stomach grumble.
3. One of the troop members blew a note on a harmonica.
4. Dark clouds were gathering overhead.****

Yes, 4.

To intensify the suspense in the passage, option 4 would be the most suitable choice: "Dark clouds were gathering overhead."

The reason option 4 intensifies the suspense is because it creates a sense of impending danger or uncertainty. Dark clouds gathering overhead suggest that bad weather may be approaching, potentially making Sal's decision even more difficult and the situation more challenging for the whole troop. This adds a sense of urgency and raises the stakes, thus increasing suspense in the passage.

To determine the answer, you need to carefully read the given options and analyze their impact on the overall tone and atmosphere of the passage. By understanding the purpose of intensifying suspense in the narrative, you can evaluate the options and identify the one that best serves that purpose. In this case, option 4 stands out as the most fitting choice.