
I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites or specific images like Figure 2 on www.jiskha.com. However, I can provide you with general instructions on how to create a form structure and write a JavaScript function.

To create the form structure in HTML, follow these steps:

1. Open a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) to write your HTML code.
2. Start with the `<!DOCTYPE html>` declaration at the top of the file.
3. Within the `<head>` tag, you can include a title for your webpage using the `<title>` element.
4. Within the `<body>` tag, create a `<form>` element to encapsulate the entire form structure.
5. Inside the `<form>` element, you can add various input fields like `<input>`, `<select>`, and `<textarea>` using appropriate attributes and tags. These elements allow users to input data such as text, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, and more.
6. Add labels to accompany each input field using the `<label>` tag, providing a description or prompt for the user.
7. Use the appropriate HTML tags to group related fields together, such as `<fieldset>` and `<legend>`.
8. Specify the form action and method attributes within the `<form>` tag. The action attribute determines where the form data is sent, and the method attribute defines how the form data is sent (typically using either "GET" or "POST").
9. Finally, close the `<form>` tag to complete the structure.

To write a JavaScript function that interacts with the form, follow these steps:

1. Determine the purpose of your function. Will it validate the form, handle form submission, or perform some other task?
2. Create a JavaScript function. For example, you can use the following syntax to define a function named "handleSubmit":
function handleSubmit() {
// Place your code here

3. Within the function, you can utilize different JavaScript methods to retrieve and manipulate form data. You can use the `document.getElementById` method to access the individual fields by their respective `id` attributes and retrieve their values or perform other operations on them.
4. Implement the desired functionality inside the function. This can include validation checks, calculations, AJAX requests, or any other operations you require.
5. You can call this function in various ways, depending on your needs. For example, you might execute it when the form is submitted, when a button is clicked, or when a particular event occurs.

Remember to link your JavaScript file to your HTML file using the `<script>` tag, either inline within the HTML file or by linking an external JavaScript file.

I hope these general instructions help you in creating the form structure and writing the JavaScript function according to your specific requirements. If you have any further questions or need more assistance, please let me know.