Give examples of how one price change can lead to other goods and services to change prices.

This is a sort of cause and effect problem. Think along the lines of "If the cost of a certain cleaning supply goes up, then cleaning services that use that particular supply will raise their prices to cover the cost." Make your own example using this guideline :3

okay thank you

When a price change occurs for a particular good or service, it can have a ripple effect, impacting the prices of other related goods and services. Here are a few examples:

1. Complementary goods: Complementary goods are products that are typically consumed together. For example, consider the price of movie tickets. If the price of movie tickets increases, people may be less inclined to go to the cinema. Consequently, the demand for popcorn, drinks, and other snacks at the theater may decrease as well, leading the theater to potentially lower their prices to attract customers.

2. Substitute goods: Substitute goods are products that can be used in place of one another. Let's say the price of coffee increases. As a result, some consumers may choose to switch to tea instead. Increased demand for tea could lead to a subsequent increase in its price as well.

3. Raw materials: Price changes in raw materials can impact the pricing of finished goods. For instance, if the cost of steel rises, it can increase production costs for car manufacturers. In response, these manufacturers may increase the prices of their vehicles to compensate for the higher input costs.

4. Labor costs: Changes in labor costs can affect prices too. When the minimum wage increases, businesses may need to pay their workers more. To offset the higher labor costs, businesses may raise the prices of their products or services.

5. Currency exchange rates: A change in currency exchange rates can affect the prices of imported goods. If the value of a country's currency decreases relative to another country's currency, it can make imports more expensive. As a result, businesses may increase the prices of imported goods to maintain their profit margins.

It's important to note that these examples represent simplified scenarios. In reality, price changes involve complex interactions influenced by various factors such as supply and demand, market competition, production costs, and consumer behavior.