In a recent year, of all registered doctors were female. If there were female registered doctors that year, what was the total number of registered doctors?

In a recent year 32.9%, of all registered doctors were female. If there were 55300 female registered doctors that year, what was the total number of registered doctors?

To find the total number of registered doctors, we need to use the information provided. Let's start by understanding the given data:

We are given that a certain percentage of the registered doctors were female. However, we are not provided with the exact percentage. Let's represent this percentage as 'P'.

We are also given the number of female registered doctors, which is represented as 'F'.

To find the total number of registered doctors, we can set up a proportion using the percentage of female doctors:

(Female Doctors / Total Doctors ) = (P / 100)

Since we have the number of female doctors, we can substitute the values:

(F / Total Doctors) = (P / 100)

Now, we can rearrange this equation to solve for the total number of doctors:

Total Doctors = (F * 100) / P

However, since we don't have the values for 'P' and 'F', we cannot determine the exact answer. We need additional information, such as the exact percentage of female doctors or the total number of female doctors, to calculate the total number of registered doctors.

insufficient data