Hey, I would appreciate any help with this, Thank youuuu!

Which of the following is an example of checks and balances? Select all that apply.
A. The judicial branch can rule a new law unconstitutional.
B. The judicial branch can veto presidential pardons.
C. The executive branch can impeach a Supreme Court Justice.
D. The legislative branch can override a veto.
E. The executive branch can declare war.

Only one is not an example of checks and balances.

Useless as usual Ms. Sue. And btw, I know your not a teacher.

The examples of checks and balances from the provided options are A, D, and C.

A. The judicial branch can rule a new law unconstitutional. This is an example of the judiciary checking the legislative branch by reviewing and potentially striking down laws that are deemed unconstitutional.

D. The legislative branch can override a veto. This is an example of the legislature checking the executive branch's power to veto by having the ability to pass a law despite the president's veto.

C. The executive branch can impeach a Supreme Court Justice. This is an example of the executive branch checking the judicial branch by initiating the impeachment process for a Supreme Court Justice.

Therefore, options A, C, and D are all examples of checks and balances.

To determine which of the options are examples of checks and balances, let's first understand what checks and balances mean. Checks and balances is a principle in the U.S. Constitution that ensures no one branch of government has too much power. Each branch has the ability to "check" or limit the powers of the other two branches, thereby maintaining a balance.

Now, let's go through each option and see if it is an example of checks and balances:

A. The judicial branch can rule a new law unconstitutional. ✅
This is an example of checks and balances because the judicial branch, through the power of judicial review, can declare a law passed by the legislative branch as unconstitutional, thus limiting the power of the legislative branch.

B. The judicial branch can veto presidential pardons. ❌
This statement is not correct. The judicial branch does not have the power to veto presidential pardons. Only the executive branch (the President) has the power to grant or issue pardons.

C. The executive branch can impeach a Supreme Court Justice. ❌
This statement is not correct. The impeachment process falls under the power of the legislative branch, not the executive branch. The House of Representatives has the authority to impeach government officials, including Supreme Court Justices, and the Senate conducts the trial.

D. The legislative branch can override a veto. ✅
This is an example of checks and balances. The legislative branch can override a presidential veto by passing a bill with a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. This power allows the legislative branch to limit the power of the executive branch.

E. The executive branch can declare war. ❌
This statement is not correct. According to the U.S. Constitution, the power to declare war lies with the legislative branch, specifically the Congress. The executive branch (the President) has the power to wage war as the Commander-in-Chief, but the formal declaration of war must come from Congress.

Therefore, the correct examples of checks and balances are options A and D.