What are the next two terms in the pattern 3, 6, 5, 10, 9, 18, 17,...?

To find the pattern in the given sequence, let's look at the differences between consecutive terms:

6-3 = 3
10-5 = 5
18-9 = 9

We observe that the differences alternate between adding 3 and adding 5. Therefore, we can expect the next difference to be 3.

So far, the differences are: 3, 5, 9, ...

Now, let's find the next term in the original sequence by adding the next difference to the last term:

17 + 3 = 20

Hence, the next term in the sequence is 20.

To find the term after that, we continue the pattern of alternating differences:

20 + 5 = 25

Therefore, the next two terms in the sequence are 20 and 25.

To find the next two terms in the pattern, we need to identify the pattern or rule behind the given sequence. Let's examine the sequence and look for any patterns:

3, 6, 5, 10, 9, 18, 17, ...

Looking at the sequence, it appears that the pattern alternates between adding and subtracting a certain value. The first two numbers increase by 3 to give us 3 + 3 = 6. Then, the next two numbers decrease by 1 to give us 6 - 1 = 5. This pattern continues: add 3, subtract 1, add 3, subtract 1, and so on.

Now that we have identified the pattern, we can continue it to find the next two terms:

Starting from 18, we add 3 to get 18 + 3 = 21.
Then, we subtract 1 to get 21 - 1 = 20.

Therefore, the next two terms in the pattern are 21 and 20.

double, subtract 1, double, subtract 1, ...
