Simplify using the distributive property: 4(c - 2)

4 ( c - 2 ) = 4 ∙ c + 4 ∙ ( - 2 ) = 4 c - 8

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4 ( c - 2 ) = 4 ∙ c + 4 ∙ ( - 2 ) = 4 c - 8

To simplify the expression using the distributive property, you need to multiply the outside number, 4, by each term inside the parentheses, c and -2.

First, distribute the 4 to the c:

4 * c = 4c

Next, distribute the 4 to the -2:

4 * -2 = -8

Now, combine the two terms:

4c - 8

So, the simplified expression using the distributive property is 4c - 8.