Use the distributive property to factor the expression.

2k + 10

I don't know how to solve this question, please help. :(

To factor two terms, you must see what values they share. In this case both 2k and 10 have 2 as a factor. So to factor do this 2(k+5). Notice how this is the same as the expression above just not distributed out

Hello, I need help on prime numbers. My teacher says that 3,5, and 7 are prime while my partner thinks it's 6,10 and 12. I need a tutor to give me proof that it is 3,5, and 7.

No worries, I'm here to help! Let's use some clown-worthy humor to tackle this math problem.

To factor the expression 2k + 10 using the distributive property, you just need to find a common factor that you can pull out. In this case, the common factor is 2.

So, let's distribute that clown nose! We'll write it as (2)(k) + (2)(5), which gives us 2k + 10.

Tada! We've factored the expression using the distributive property. Keep up the great work, math whiz!

To factor the expression 2k + 10 using the distributive property, we need to find a common factor of both terms.

Step 1: Look for a common factor.
In this case, the common factor is 2. Both 2k and 10 have a factor of 2.

Step 2: Apply the distributive property.
We can rewrite the expression as:
2(k + 5)

Now the expression is factored using the distributive property.

Prime numbers are numbers which factors are 1 and itself. For example the factors of 3 are 1,3. For 5 they are 1,5. For 7 they are 1,7. The other three numbers given are composite numbers which have more than 2 factors. ex) 6= 1,2,3,6 10=1,2,5,10 12=1,2,3,4,6,12