Rebecca had 9/10 of a yard ribbon. Then she gave 7/20 of a yard to her friend. How much does she have left? Explain your work.

I don't need a answer i just need help with finding the common denominator. Please help!

I don't know if anyone need this but here is the steps.

So first you need to multiple 9/10 by 2/2 to get 18/20 and then 7/20 multipled by 1/1 and for the last step do 18-7 to get 11 so therefore the answer is 11/20

I hope this helps ☺️

9/10 = 18/20

so, what is 18-7 ?

20 is the least common denominator.

So why are we talking about glitching paper. I don't get why people are so entertained by OVERLY LARGE EVERYHING I don't get it not being mean I just don't get it. Like really, a humongous dude to a twig basically. DOESENT MAKE ANY SENCE TO ME.

Don't do steroids kids. It's not possible.

(eye roll)

no one cares about animae or what ever the hell we need help

man i wonder when people will start actually doing something

Thanks For your help and I thought Mrs. Sue was just the teacher

plese just tell me how i can explane to my teacher that i got this anwser please tell me and explane how i can say i got the anwser my teacher is nosy

ahh i have found a fellow anime watcher!