For every T-shirt that Joel sells, he will receive $12. He will receive another $5 for every set of 10 T-shirts he sells. If he sells 100 T-shirts, he will receive an additional $50 bonus. How many T-shirts does Joel have to sell to receive $1372 in total?

T = T-shirts

[T * 12] + [(T/10) * 5] + [(T/100) * 50] = 1372

solve for T

FYI ... you are correct ... you can't sell a fraction of a T-shirt

Well.. I think its 106 . I'm so confused 🙀

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Calculate the earnings from selling 100 T-shirts:
- For each T-shirt, Joel earns $12, so for 100 T-shirts, he earns 100 × $12 = $<<100*12=1200>>1200.

2. Calculate the earnings from selling sets of 10 T-shirts:
- For every set of 10 T-shirts sold, Joel earns an additional $5. Since every set consists of 10 T-shirts, the number of sets Joel sells can be found by dividing the total number of T-shirts (100) by 10: 100 ÷ 10 = <<100/10=10>>10 sets.
- Therefore, Joel earns an additional 10 × $5 = $<<10*5=50>>50.

3. Calculate the bonus earnings:
- Joel receives a $50 bonus for selling 100 T-shirts.

4. Calculate the total earnings:
- The total earnings can be found by summing up the earnings from selling T-shirts, the earnings from selling sets of 10 shirts, and the bonus earnings: $1200 + $50 + $50 = $<<1200+50+50=1300>>1300.

5. Determine the number of additional T-shirts Joel needs to sell to reach a total of $1372:
- The additional earnings Joel needs to reach a total of $1372 can be calculated by subtracting his current earnings from $1372: $1372 - $1300 = $<<1372-1300=72>>72.

6. Calculate the number of additional T-shirts needed:
- Since Joel earns $12 for every T-shirt sold, the number of additional T-shirts he needs to sell can be found by dividing the additional earnings needed ($72) by the earnings per T-shirt ($12): $72 ÷ $12 = <<72/12=6>>6 additional T-shirts.

7. Calculate the total number of T-shirts Joel needs to sell:
- The total number of T-shirts Joel needs to sell in order to reach a total of $1372 is the sum of the original 100 T-shirts and the additional 6 T-shirts: 100 + 6 = <<100+6=106>>106 T-shirts.

Therefore, Joel needs to sell 106 T-shirts to receive a total of $1372.

To find out how many T-shirts Joel has to sell to receive a total of $1372, let's break down the earnings.

For every T-shirt sold, Joel receives $12.
For every set of 10 T-shirts sold, Joel receives an additional $5.

First, let's calculate how much Joel will earn from selling the T-shirts alone:
Total earnings from selling T-shirts = Number of T-shirts sold × Earnings per T-shirt
Total earnings from selling T-shirts = 12 × Number of T-shirts sold

Next, let's calculate how much Joel will earn from selling sets of 10 T-shirts:
Number of sets of 10 T-shirts = Number of T-shirts sold ÷ 10
Total earnings from selling sets of 10 T-shirts = Number of sets of 10 T-shirts × Earnings per set of 10 T-shirts
Total earnings from selling sets of 10 T-shirts = 5 × Number of sets of 10 T-shirts

Finally, let's add the bonus earnings for selling 100 T-shirts:
If Joel sells 100 T-shirts, he will receive an additional $50.

The total earnings are the sum of the earnings from selling T-shirts, selling sets of 10 T-shirts, and the bonus:
Total earnings = Total earnings from selling T-shirts + Total earnings from selling sets of 10 T-shirts + Additional bonus

Using these equations, we can set up the equation:
Total earnings = 12 × Number of T-shirts sold + 5 × Number of sets of 10 T-shirts + Additional bonus

We can substitute the values in this equation and solve for the unknown variable:

1372 = 12 × Number of T-shirts sold + 5 × Number of sets of 10 T-shirts + 50

To solve this equation, we need to determine the values of "Number of T-shirts sold" and "Number of sets of 10 T-shirts."

Let's solve the equation step by step to find the values and determine how many T-shirts Joel has to sell to receive $1372 in total.