Which statement is NOT true?

1.Some people do not have stress **
2. Stress is normal and can be positive or negative
3. Over a long period of time, stress can harm your health
4. Stress cannot always be avoided, but it can be managed

I think it’s A ( 1.)

I agree with you.

Yes, A

You are correct. Statement 1, "Some people do not have stress" is NOT true.

To determine which statement is NOT true, let's analyze each statement and eliminate the false one.

Statement 1: Some people do not have stress.
This statement implies that everyone experiences stress, which is not accurate. Therefore, this statement is true.

Statement 2: Stress is normal and can be positive or negative.
This statement is widely accepted and true. Stress is a natural response in our bodies and can have both positive (eustress) and negative (distress) effects.

Statement 3: Over a long period of time, stress can harm your health.
This statement is also true. Chronic stress has been linked to various health problems such as high blood pressure, weakened immune system, and mental health disorders.

Statement 4: Stress cannot always be avoided, but it can be managed.
This statement is also true. While it is impossible to completely avoid stress in life, managing stress through various techniques such as relaxation exercises, time management, and seeking support can help cope with it effectively.

Based on the analysis, statement 1 is the one that is NOT true. Therefore, your assumption is correct.