Fill in the blanks with the appropriate PRESENT PERFECT form of the given verb. Remember that the present perfect requires a form of the verb HABER + the past participle.

1.) Yo _________ __________(conocer) a muchos españoles durante la fiesta.

2.) Pienso que tú _________ __________ (romper) la máquina.

3.) ¿ _____ __________ (estudiar) vosotros el vocabulario?

4.) Nosotros _________ __________(volver) temprano para ayudarte.

5.) ¿ ___ __________ (comer) Uds. toda la comida?


To fill in the blanks with the appropriate Present Perfect form of the given verbs, we need to use the verb "haber" in the appropriate form followed by the past participle.

1.) Yo he conocido a muchos españoles durante la fiesta.
To form the Present Perfect of "conocer," we use the present tense form of "haber" (he) followed by the past participle of "conocer" (conocido).

2.) Pienso que tú has roto la máquina.
To form the Present Perfect of "romper," we use the present tense form of "haber" (has) followed by the past participle of "romper" (roto).

3.) ¿Habéis estudiado vosotros el vocabulario?
To form the Present Perfect of "estudiar," we use the present tense form of "haber" (habéis) followed by the past participle of "estudiar" (estudiado).

4.) Nosotros hemos vuelto temprano para ayudarte.
To form the Present Perfect of "volver," we use the present tense form of "haber" (hemos) followed by the past participle of "volver" (vuelto).

5.) ¿Han comido ustedes toda la comida?
To form the Present Perfect of "comer," we use the present tense form of "haber" (han) followed by the past participle of "comer" (comido).