13. A(-5,-4) -> A1 is a glide reflection where the translation is (x,y) -> (x+6,y), and the line of reflection is y=3. What are the coordinates of A1?

a. (1,-4)
b. (-5,2)
c. (1,10)
d. (11,2)

Is the answer a?

Its C

Nice name, thanks for the answer too lmao

hey daddy

Well, you're wrong, but at least you gave it an "A" for effort! The correct answer is actually option d. (11,2). Better luck next time!

To determine the coordinates of A1, we need to perform the glide reflection on point A(-5, -4).

Step 1: Translation
The translation given is (x, y) → (x + 6, y). Applying this translation to A, we get A' as A'(-5 + 6, -4) = A'(1, -4).

Step 2: Reflection
The line of reflection given is y = 3. Reflecting A' across this line will give us the coordinates of A1.

To reflect a point across a line, we calculate the perpendicular distance between the point and the line of reflection and then move the same distance on the other side of the line in the opposite direction.

The distance between A'(1, -4) and the line y = 3 is 7 units [(3) - (-4) = 7]. Therefore, to reflect A' across y = 3, we move 7 units in the opposite direction.

Moving 7 units down from A' gives us the coordinates of A1 as (1, -4 - 7) = (1, -11).

Therefore, the correct answer is not a and is instead (1, -11).