What career can you do if you choose Maths lit, Business Studies,

Geography and Life Science

If you have chosen Mathematics Literacy, Business Studies, Geography, and Life Sciences as your subjects, there are various career paths you can consider. Here are a few options:

1. Data Analyst: With your knowledge of Mathematics Literacy, you can combine it with Business Studies and Geography to become a data analyst. Data analysts work with large sets of data, analyze trends, and provide meaningful insights to organizations.

To pursue a career in data analysis, you can focus on enhancing your skills in data interpretation, statistical analysis, and learn relevant software tools like Microsoft Excel.

2. Urban Planner: Combining your knowledge of Geography with Mathematics Literacy can lead you towards a career in urban planning. Urban planners work on designing and developing communities, cities, and regions in a sustainable and efficient manner.

To become an urban planner, you may need to pursue further studies in urban planning, architecture, or geography at a tertiary institution.

3. Environmental Scientist: If you have an interest in the environment and Life Sciences, you could consider a career as an environmental scientist. Environmental scientists study the impact of human activity on the environment and work towards finding sustainable solutions.

To become an environmental scientist, you can pursue a degree in environmental science, environmental management, or a related field.

4. Entrepreneur: With a combination of Business Studies and Mathematics Literacy, you can explore opportunities as an entrepreneur. You can start your own business or work in roles that require business acumen, such as sales, marketing, or management.

To excel as an entrepreneur, develop skills in strategic planning, financial management, leadership, and innovation.

It's important to note that the subjects you choose in high school do not necessarily limit your career options. These subjects provide a foundation of knowledge and skills that can be built upon with further studies, certifications, and practical experiences. It's always best to research the specific requirements and qualifications for the career you're interested in pursuing, and seek guidance from career counselors or professionals in those fields.

you could be a teacher