Grapghing and Writing inequalities

3.y>2(1 point)

On the number line, place an open circle at 2

shade the line to the right

study other examples. I'm sure that would help even more than cheating here.

Thank you for your help and I'm not cheating I was looking for help.

To understand and graph the inequality y > 2, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Inequality:
The inequality y > 2 means that the variable y is greater than 2.

Step 2: Graphing the Inequality on a Number Line:
Start by drawing a number line and marking the point 2 on it.

Step 3: Indicate the Solution:
Since the inequality is y > 2, you want to depict the values that are greater than 2. On the number line, you can indicate this by shading the region to the right of 2.

Step 4: Write the Solution Set:
To write the solution set in interval notation, you would write it as (2, ∞). The parentheses indicate that the value 2 is not included in the solution, while the infinity symbol (∞) indicates that the values continue indefinitely in the positive direction.

Alternatively, you can also express the solution set in set notation as {y: y > 2}, which means "the set of all values of y such that y is greater than 2."

Step 5: Checking the Solution:
To verify if a specific value satisfies the inequality, you can substitute it into the inequality and see if the statement holds true. For example, if you choose y = 3, you can replace y in the inequality to get 3 > 2, which is true. This confirms that 3 is indeed a solution to the inequality y > 2.

In summary, to graph and write the inequality y > 2, you would shade the region to the right of 2 on a number line and express the solution set as (2, ∞) or {y: y > 2}.