34 is 6 less than 5 times a number

34 = 5n - 6

Let's break down the given information step-by-step.

Step 1: Let's assume the number we are trying to find is represented by 'x'.

Step 2: According to the given information, "34 is 6 less than 5 times a number". So we can translate this into an equation as:
34 = 5x - 6.

Step 3: To solve for 'x' in the equation, we need to isolate 'x' on one side of the equation. Let's begin by adding 6 to both sides of the equation:
34 + 6 = 5x - 6 + 6.
This simplifies to:
40 = 5x.

Step 4: To isolate 'x', we now need to divide both sides of the equation by 5:
40/5 = 5x/5.
This simplifies to:
8 = x.

Step 5: Therefore, the number we are looking for is 8.

To find the number, we can create an algebraic equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number is represented by the variable "x".

The statement "34 is 6 less than 5 times a number" can be translated into an equation as:

34 = 5x - 6

To solve for x, we will isolate the variable on one side of the equation. First, we'll add 6 to both sides of the equation:

34 + 6 = 5x - 6 + 6
40 = 5x

Next, we'll divide both sides of the equation by 5 to isolate x:

40 / 5 = 5x / 5
8 = x

Therefore, the number is 8.