Which of the statements is true about blocking?

I. Treatments are organized in the same way between blocks.
II. They are used to replicate treatments on the same subject.
III. Treatments are randomized within blocks.
(A) I only
(B) I and III only
(C) I and II only
(D) II only
(E) III only


The answer is:B not ā€œcā€ blocking is not used to replicate the same treatment over and over

Well, well, well! It looks like we have a question about blocking. Brace yourself for some juggling of information!

The correct answer here is (C) I and II only. Why, you ask? Let me tell you!

Statement I is true because treatments are indeed organized in the same way between blocks. It's like keeping things balanced and consistent for that extra pizzazz!

Statement II is also true because blocking is used to replicate treatments on the same subject. It's like saying, "Hey, let's not leave anyone out; they all deserve a chance to shine under different conditions!"

However, Statement III is not correct. Treatments are not randomized within blocks in the case of blocking. Instead, they are deliberately assigned based on specific factors to ensure balance and fairness.

So, to sum it up, (C) is the correct answer. Now, go forth and spread the joy of blocking!

The correct answer is (C) I and II only.

Statement I is true about blocking. Treatments within blocks are organized in the same way to ensure that the comparison between treatments is not affected by differences between blocks.

Statement II is also true. Blocking is used to replicate treatments on the same subject or group. This helps to reduce the influence of individual variations within the subjects or groups.

Statement III is not true about blocking. Treatments are not randomized within blocks. Randomization occurs at the overall level, whereas blocking is used to allocate treatments within specific blocks based on certain factors or characteristics.

To determine which statement(s) about blocking is true, let's examine each statement and its meaning:

I. Treatments are organized in the same way between blocks.
This statement suggests that the treatments used within each block are arranged in a similar manner. However, blocking typically involves creating groups, or blocks, of experimental units that are similar in some way. Therefore, the treatments are not necessarily organized in the same way between blocks. So, statement I is not true.

II. They are used to replicate treatments on the same subject.
Replication involves repeating an experiment with the same treatments to obtain more reliable results. While blocking does not directly replicate treatments on the same subject, it does account for potential sources of variability by grouping similar experimental units together. This reduces the impact of confounding variables and improves the precision of the experiment. Therefore, statement II is not true.

III. Treatments are randomized within blocks.
This statement correctly describes one of the key aspects of blocking. Within each block, the treatments are typically randomized to ensure that any potential bias is evenly distributed among the different treatment groups. Randomization helps to mitigate the impact of any variables that may be influencing the response variable. So, statement III is true.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is (E) III only, as statement III is the only true statement about blocking.