V varies partly as q and partly as square of q .When V = 34 q = 2 ,and when V = 190, q = 5 .Find V when q = 10

v varies partly as q and partly as square of q

v = aq + bq^2

When v = 34 q = 2 ,and when v = 190, q = 5 .Find v when q = 10
2a + 4b = 34
5a + 25b = 190

Solve for a and b, then plug in q=10

solve this for me please

You must answer my question

Please help me solve the question

Can you please help me solve this question?♡♡

Sure, I'd be happy to help!

Can you please clarify the question you need help with? It would make it easier for me to explain.

To find the value of V when q = 10, we need to first understand how V varies with respect to q.

It is given that V varies partly as q and partly as the square of q. This can be expressed as:

V = a * q + b * q^2

where a and b are constants to be determined.

Now, we have two sets of values for V and q: V = 34 and q = 2, and V = 190 and q = 5. We can use these values to form equations and solve for the constants a and b.

For the first set of values (V = 34 and q = 2), we substitute them into the equation:

34 = a * 2 + b * 2^2
34 = 2a + 4b

For the second set of values (V = 190 and q = 5), we substitute them into the equation:

190 = a * 5 + b * 5^2
190 = 5a + 25b

Now, we have a system of two equations:

2a + 4b = 34
5a + 25b = 190

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of a and b.

Multiplying the first equation by 5, we get:

10a + 20b = 170

Now, we can subtract this equation from the second equation:

(5a + 25b) - (10a + 20b) = 190 - 170
-5a + 5b = 20

Dividing this equation by 5, we get:

-a + b = 4

We can now solve this simplified equation for b in terms of a:

b = a + 4

Substituting this value of b into the first equation:

2a + 4(a + 4) = 34
2a + 4a + 16 = 34
6a = 34 - 16
6a = 18
a = 3

Now that we have found the value of a, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the value of b:

b = 3 + 4
b = 7

Therefore, the equation that describes the relationship between V and q is:

V = 3q + 7q^2

To find the value of V when q = 10, substitute q = 10 into the equation:

V = 3(10) + 7(10)^2
V = 30 + 7(100)
V = 30 + 700
V = 730

Therefore, when q = 10, V = 730.


Padi mi hustle lo

V varies 34 ivesly proprotional

U see eh

I don't understand self
Explain pls pls I beg